
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My Boys

These are my two boys... My pets!

This is my baby! My mom adopted him for me at a pet store where an adoption day was going on, I was so glad I found him. I had to beg my mom to get him for me! He is so sweet, I'll add a photo from when he was a teeny tiny kitten. His name is Java(:

This was one of the many pictures taken while trying to take a Christmas card picture!

Colby after puppy class in the backseats(: He was so tired, and is NEVER that calm.
Technically Colby is more like the family dog, but I call him mine. Sometimes he drives me crazy!



1 comment:

  1. Aw what cuties! I sooo want a pet! I love dogs but just don't have the time to look after one! A few weeks ago my boyfriend and I were veeeery close to buying guinea pigs...they are my fave animal! But we just can't guarantee our new place will allow pets :-( I want one so bad!!!

    Btw....I want your hair :-)



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