
Saturday, July 31, 2010


Hello lovelies, today I thought I would do a couple of posts, so first up is my eye of the day, face of the day, and outfit of the day. I woke up at like 7 this morning and my mom, her friend, and I took Colby (the puppy) to a bridge that a lot of people walk/run/bike. So I am really tired, 'walking' Colby is like walking and doing weights because you have to drag him along. Colby has two speeds: fast (hey let's run and chase that person!) and no, no I'm not walking I will sit/lay here and look at you with my pathetic little eyes! We went early and by the end I was DRENCHED in sweat (yuck!), so when I got home I took a shower and got all beautified(:

Here is what I wore.

I'm not going anywhere today, my bestie is coming over at like 5ish but other then that not much going on today. And it is thundering like mad right now!

This is what I wore for earrings, I only took one out to show you guys.
And since I wasn't going anywhere I didn't have shoes on. Basically this outfit was just comfy and casual.

Dress: Ross (as seen in a haul in I believe... June?)
Earrings: Forever 21 they came in like a set of three studs.

Face of the day (and this picture makes me look weird, so sorry).

Yeah I kind of hate this picture. And yes I do wear glasses, I just took them off for this picture.

Eye of the day

Eyes open(:

Eye closed.

These are the products I used for my eyes.

I used the pink one (Valley girl) in my outer corner and the light purple (Souther Belle) in the middle of my eye (midtone area) and in my inner corner I used Stila's eyeshadow Kitten (sorry I forgot to include it in the picture). I used Falsies on my upper lashes and on my lower lashes I used the LashMaxx.

These are the products I used for my face.

I used the bronzer on the sides of my face and the sides of my forehead, the blush on the apples of my cheeks and a pinch of it in the middle of my forehead. The other two are pretty self explanatory!

Thanks for following/commenting!




  1. You look pretty! Youre making me want all these Stila products :)

  2. They really are great, I'm so glad that I bought them. If you buy the Road to Radiance palette (the one that is only 10 bucks) off of the shipping is free(: Which is always a bonus.


Thanks for commenting fashionistas! I love hearing your thoughts! If you have any questions/requests make sure to ask! I'll get back to you as soon as possible!