
Sunday, July 11, 2010

I'm Back!

Hey lovelies! It feels so good to be home, I just got home about 2 almost 3 hours ago and I am utterly exhausted! Being in the car for almost two straight days will do that to ya I guess! I'm so sorry for the lack of post last week. I really felt bad about it but, there will be plenty of new posts soon. I promise! I am thinking about doing my June favorites but I don't know, do you guys think it is too late for that?? Well I will be doing some posts tomorrow in between unpacking and picking up Mr.Colby from the veterinarians (we had to board him while we were gone).
Thanks for following(:



1 comment:

Thanks for commenting fashionistas! I love hearing your thoughts! If you have any questions/requests make sure to ask! I'll get back to you as soon as possible!