
Saturday, October 16, 2010

I Didn't Like It

Hello lovelies, I'm back with a quick post on something I didn't like. Now normally I'm not one to not like products but I really just wasn't gelling with this product.

Product: L'oreal Go Clean Deep 360 Cleanser in 'Deep Cream Cleanser'

A couple of weeks ago I was in the market for a soft cleanser and I was in the mood to try something new, I had read some good reviews about this so I wanted to give it a whirl.
I absolutely love the packaging (so cute!) and the scrublet and at first I thought I loved the cleanser. After using it for about a week or so I began to get a couple of white heads (gross I know) and I don't usually get those so, I decided to lay off the cleanser for a couple of days and they all went away (it was only like 2 or so) so I kind of forgot about the face wash. That is until a week ago... I had had a lot of mascara on so I didn't want to have to really try to get it off in the shower (normally I use Ponds cold cream before but I forgot to) so I grabbed this and used a teensy bit and the next morning I woke up with another zit. A couple days later it was a white head (eww) so the only thing I can think is that the cleanser caused them. I typically have dryer skin and like any other person it gets a bit oily throughout the day nothing abnormal. I usually use Biore' Pore Unclogging Scrub daily, St. Ives Apricot Blackhead Blemish scrub 2-3 or so times a week, I use Ponds cold cream to remove makeup and for moisturizer I use Oil of Olay Active Hydrating moisturizer.

Overall I probably won't be using this cleanser again, my sister seems to like it so she can have it. I do love the scrublet and I have been using that with my Biore face wash.

1 comment:

  1. It made me break out as well!Didn't like it at all... :(
    But it does look cute!


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