
Thursday, October 21, 2010

OOTD and Update

Two posts in one day!? Lucky ducks!
Just kidding, I've been seriously slacking this month!
This is what I wore today.
(Sorry for the slightly blurry quality, crappy phone pictures!)

Jacket: Jones New York (Costco)
Tanktop: Sonoma (Kohls)
Ring(which I don't think you can see) : My mom
Earrings: Forever 21
Shoes: Payless
Scarf: Target
Jeans: JCP

Today was BCA day at my school so I wore a bright pink scarf! Yesterday was purple but, I didn't get a good picture because I was rushing out the door.
Also today I had a biology quiz and we switched papers so it go graded today, and I got a 95%. I was super pleased! I also took a pottery exam and it was really easy so I'm expecting a good grade on that as well. Today marks the start of a 4 day weekend for me!(:
Tomorrow I have an appointment to get a haircut because I'm having some major split ends, this would be because I haven't had a haircut since I think April! Craziness.

That's all for tonight fashionistas.




Thanks for commenting fashionistas! I love hearing your thoughts! If you have any questions/requests make sure to ask! I'll get back to you as soon as possible!