
Friday, October 29, 2010

Update and More

Hello fashionistas!

I'm not sure if anyone likes (or reads) these little updates of mine but, I do them anyways.
There is more to my life then makeup and fashion (well...). Just kidding! (:

To start off I got my report card yesterday and I got all A's and 2 B's. Stupid government and pottery (don't ask, I'm not sure what I even did wrong, apparently a lot of people got B's and C's too).
I also got back part 2 of a government project and I got a 94% on that, so I'm quite please (part 1 was a 88% in case you were wondering).

Then later that night my sister was playing football with the boys next door and broke her arm. Her upper arm so she will now be in a cast for.... 6 to 8 weeks! I feel so bad for her, and it's on the arm that she writes with.

I finally received my package from E.L.F. today (about time). It took 12 days!
I'll be doing a little haul of that tomorrow, it's too dark to swatch right now.
Here's a little preview.
* I had already unpackaged some prodcuts.

Oh, did any of you happen to watch the Project Runway finale?

Can anyone else believe that Gretchen won? I really thought that Mondo had it in the bag. I liked his collection more, it was crazy and out there. I loved it. Although I did like some pieces of Gretchen's, I just wished there had been some color in there. I think a teal or turquoise would have really made her pieces POP!

For the Jackie O challenge Mondo had designed this and it was my (well one of them) favorite thing he made on the show. Not including his ah-mazing collection.

I know this is also random but, do any of you watch Gossip Girl?
I'm obsessed. Love it, can't get enough of it.
The cast is great, the fashion is great, the drama and plotting is great.
I'm so happy that Blair and Chuck finally called off the war between them.
I know what Chuck did was unforgivable but, I still like Chuck and Blair together!

Well I am going to go paint my nails and watch Private Practice.

Okay update/rant over!




  1. I always read then :)
    I feel sorry for your sister,hope she gets better fast

  2. i was so sad that mondo didnt win!!! he really should have, his designs and creativity is so much better. he is the real winner xx

  3. @ Renee - Aww thank you!

    @ Nicoline - Thank you(:

    @ *Starsglittermagic* - I was sad too! I really thought he was better.


  4. Hi! Im a new follower!
    I've just done a post on my elf haul lol. Hope you have time to check it out! Cute blog!


Thanks for commenting fashionistas! I love hearing your thoughts! If you have any questions/requests make sure to ask! I'll get back to you as soon as possible!