
Saturday, November 6, 2010

JPG Fun and an Idea

Hello fashionistas!
I don't really have a fashion-y post or anything ground breaking to post about but, I did find this cool website I wanted to tell you all about.

It's a website where you can take photos and put them on 'magazine covers' , in frames, or do really cool effects.
To go to the website click here.
I just wanted to show you one.
Here's me on the 'cover' of Vogue.

This is a cool website and I really think you should check it out. No I am not affiliated with this website I just thought it was interesting(:

Oh and I'm toying around with the idea of a blog sale, would anyone be interested? I don't have that many beauty items to sell but I have some old accessories that I don't wear anymore.
If it seems like a good idea to you then let me know.

Sleep tight fashionistas.




  1. hey great magazine cover looks great!
    yeah a blog sale sounds cool , would love to have a nosey at some stuff for sale x
    sophie-lou x

  2. That rules! I reckon it's the only way i'll ever get to see myself on the cover of Vogue so I may as well give it a try :)

    Blog sale sounds awesome - blogging and buying accessories? nothing beats that!


Thanks for commenting fashionistas! I love hearing your thoughts! If you have any questions/requests make sure to ask! I'll get back to you as soon as possible!