
Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday Poll

Hey fashionistas!

I thought I would do a quick little poll, I tag all of you to do it. It's a weekly, every Monday thing.

This was part of Chanel's display on Rodeo Drive when I went to LA.

1. Mood: Sleepy, I've been sleepy all day.
2. What was your best vacation ever? Toss up between over this spring break when I went to California/Nevada (we went to LA, San Francisco, Yosemite, and Las Vegas) or this summer when my best friend went on vacation with my family.
3. Are you a chocoholic? You bet!
4. Do you have a nickname? Many. Sebby, Sevvie, Sev, Van, Vanny, Vannah, Cheerio (don't ask), Salaad, and probably a few I'm forgetting!
5. Coffee or tea? Coffee. For most of the time.
6. Do you do sequins? You know it!
7. Your favorite hat? I really like berets, I have a grey one from Forever 21 and a black sequin one that my mom got me for Xmas last year.
8. Have you ever lied about your age? Nope.
9. What would you do with one free hour? Sleep!
10. Weekly goals: Workout 3-4 times this week, do well on my upcoming government and geometry tests, and catch up on some sleep!

Hope you guys had a good Monday and weren't dragging along all day like me!



1 comment:

  1. Cute poll :) I've had a pretty good monday so far. I hope you get some good sleep!

    xo, gina


Thanks for commenting fashionistas! I love hearing your thoughts! If you have any questions/requests make sure to ask! I'll get back to you as soon as possible!