
Monday, December 27, 2010

A Little Bit of My Room

Hey fashionistas!
I'm still feeling pretty bad but I went to the doctor today and turns out that my sister and I both have sinus infections. Hmm shocker there!

I don't know if this will interest any of you, but I thought maybe you would like to see my room.
I share a room with my sister so this is my side.

I'm a little bit obsessed with Paris, I want to go there so badly!

If you can't tell this is my dresser, I keep pictures, cards, and little knick-knacks up there.

The card with the bird on it is one of my favorite cards ever; my mom gave this to me 2 years ago on my birthday because I have a fear of ostriches (actually all birds)! The front says "In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

This is the area next to my bed. Right now it's a bit cluttered with bags from presents, normally it's cleaner.

Do you see the blue thing next to the dress form with my bracelets on it?
Yeah I made that in pottery(:

I've been on the hunt for the perfect, plain white comforter for months and cannot find one! I want it to be very fluffy and just plain white. Sadly I haven't been able to find a comforter like I want that isn't super expensive or in the right size.

The S and P on the wall were made by my mom. She's so artsy! She free handed the damask print on both of the letters!

These are the pictures that hang over my bed. The pictures and the frames are both from Hobby Lobby.

The overall 'theme' of my room is very girly, Paris-y, and fashion inspired.

If you want to know where anything is from, just let me know!

Oh, guess who's birthday is today! Colby's! He's a Christmas pup.
He's officially 1 year old, no longer a 'puppy'. Although I think he'll behave like a puppy (minus the house accidents and such) until he's a couple years older. He's quite a hyper dog but, his sweetness makes up for when he's bad.

This was one of the many pictures we took while trying to get a good Christmas card.
For the record Colby isn't really allowed on the couch.




  1. I think girls are always interested in other girls' rooms :) it's very nice of you to show these pictures! Your room looks very nice!

  2. I love the way you've decorated your room mine's very plain and simplistic with cream everywhere I wish I'd been a bit more creative! x

  3. I love it! I really need a necklace hanger like you have... mine are tangled in a mass clump of necklaces right now :-(

  4. What a great room! I love the colors!!

    Get better dear! Drinks lots of water and rest.

  5. Oh and sweetie, have you added your city info to Location Central yet? It shows who blogs by you. So cool!

  6. Hi! My name is Leah, and I love your blog!
    I'd love if you could check out my blog, maybe follow or comment! :D

    Once I get 100 followers, I will make a huge giveaway!
    Enjoy your year :)

    Love the room! My sister is obsessed with Paris wall art :P
    xo leah

  7. I love your room, especially the eiffel tower.
    I also love paris, and have eiffel picture in my room :)

  8. My room is a mess i clean it everyday, im just so unorganized!! :(

  9. I just saw this post and loved it! Your half of the room is gorgeous :)

    xo, gina

  10. Cute bedroom! And I love your pup Colby, so cute!!!


Thanks for commenting fashionistas! I love hearing your thoughts! If you have any questions/requests make sure to ask! I'll get back to you as soon as possible!