
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Spring Break Snapshots

Hello fashionistas!
As I promised, here are some snapshots from my spring break. 

On Monday Lily and I went to visit my boyfriend at college. Toured campus with him and did some shopping at the mall. It was really a grand time. I didn't snap any pictures until the end, but here are just a few! 

Lily and I casually standing on a bench. Isn't it crazy how much taller she is? So much envy for her amazon legs. 

Me and my boy.  
I actually adore this photo, so candid. I just wish it wasn't blurry. 

The day after visiting the boy I just cleaned and chilled at my house.
The next day the other best friend, Melissa, texted me and asked if I wanted to beach it with her, obviously I did! We had a full day of fun in the sun and both had the burns to prove it (even though we diligently reapplied SPF)! 

Friday and Saturday I also spent with Toby (my boy), I sadly don't have any snapshots to share with you. I really wish I did! 

These last 3 photos are just some pictures we took at brunch on Easter, right before my camera died. I hate when my batteries die and I don't have any extras! 

My Aunt Chrissy and I.

Aunt Kathie, Meg, and Nana. 

The momma and I. I loved her purple dress.. I'm so stealing that! 

It was truly a fabulous spring break, it went by way too fast! 
Did you guys do anything exciting or just entertaining? My spring break was just very relaxing and I definitely enjoyed every minute of it!

I'm off to go study for a history test and workout. 

Love you guys!




  1. You and your boyfriend are so cute, you both have fabulous smiles!!

  2. Intersting post sweetie! I was thinking...maybe we can follow each other?! XoXo

  3. nice pictures hun!

    Rafaella Nicoletti


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