
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Ins and Outs #14.

Hello fashionistas!
I'm sorry for literally abandoning the blog lately... It was my last week of summer. I've had a lot going on; my best friend visited for 5 days and went back to her new home, 4 states away. I sent my boyfriend off to college yesterday and I've been juggling a mess of emotions with all of the things going on in my life.
Anyways, I wanted to do a quick ins and outs post to share with you all, I haven't done one in almost 2 months, so it's about time!


1.) No matter where my best friend is she's always going to be in my heart and just a phone call/Skype call away. Here's a cute snapshot of us at the beach (well we actually had gone up to the beach shack restaurant).

Same goes for the boyfriend, he might be 90 minutes away, but we have Skype, texting, talking. It's all going to be fine. Here's a few pictures of us taking a break from packing up his stuff. 

If you two are reading this, I already miss both of you like crazy!

2.) I decided that I'm going to go full steam ahead with all my effort and put it into school. Grades are what really matter this year (and every year). Last year I had almost all A's and I want to strive for the same thing this year.

3.) I'm still in absolute love with polka dots. I bought 2 dresses with polka dot patterns this year for school. This dress and another black and white one that I have yet to take a picture of for the blog.  Which reminds me, I'll do a back to school haul probably Monday or Tuesday.

4.) I'm not really sure why, but I'm completely obsessed with this song by Jon McLaughlin featuring Sara Bareilles called Summer Is Over.
 Seriously, listen to it. It kind of fits my melancholy mood that I'm in right now. 


1.) I'm not going to lie, I am really tired of the insane heat that has been going on in Florida. I wish we had an actual 'fall' season instead of brief cool days in September/October.

2.) I'm tired of being sad about summer being over and the goodbyes that had to be said. This is a new chapter of my life. I'm going to suck it up and enjoy it. 

That's about all I have to say for now. I can't believe that I start my junior year tomorrow (too bad it isn't senior year)! When do you all start school?

Loads of love!



PS: Don't forget to enter my giveaway, it ends tonight at midnight! Click here to enter! 


  1. Aw great pics! I still can't believe summer is over, but it's such a good feeling to start a new school year. I loved junior year! It was one of my favorite years of school!

    Also, that dress is so adorable!

    xo, gina

    1. I feel that Junior year is going to be a TON of work!

  2. My boyfriend just left for a 2 week holiday, it's so Hard! Hope everything goes okay xx

    1. It is hard! Can't wait to see him this weekend!
      Thanks girly!

  3. That's right girl focus on school!!! Don't get too distracted by good byes or your super cute boyfriend lol


Thanks for commenting fashionistas! I love hearing your thoughts! If you have any questions/requests make sure to ask! I'll get back to you as soon as possible!