
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up.

Hello fashionistas!
I'm sorry that my posting has been spotty, I've just had so much going on. 
Here's a little weekend wrap-up.

Friday night I spent the night babysitting, which is always a blast. 
Saturday I had a family party to go to in the town that my boyfriend's college is at, so he came with. I'm sad we forgot to snap a picture of us together/outfit pictures. Sigh. Anyways, I really loved seeing him. We probably won't get to see each other for a few weeks (sigh), but we'll survive. 

Today I met up with one of my best friends, Melissa for lunch. First we stopped at Panera for food and then we wandered over to this little cafe called The Hyppo and had tea. 

The tea came on these adorable trays with timers to let us know when it was all done steeping. It was basically the cutest thing ever. 

Mel and I were stopped at a red light conversing and I had to snap a picture of her while she snapped a picture of me. Too funny. No, I don't normally take random pictures while driving, and by normally I mean ever. 

Here's the picture she sent me (after we were done driving, obviously). 
I call this car my 'Swag Mobile' because it so big. It isn't actually mine, my mom/dad just let me drive the car when they don't need it.


I have a psychology test tomorrow, so I had to come home and study. 
I have a strong disdain for Monday tests. Just sayin'. 

 Here's a shot of my bed... Currently a small mountain range of laundry. Yeah, I need to fold that/put it all up after I finish this post. I swear it never is like this, I just did a lot of laundry this morning. 

I came home to freshly baked cookies from my mom. 
The chocolate crinkle ones are my favorite. They're actually Ghiradelli brownie mix with a few extra ingredients in them. Super tasty! 

Anyways, that's what has been going on this weekend. What have you guys been up to?
I will have an outfit of the day up on Tuesday (probably, unless homework/school is absolutely insane, which is always a very real possibility). I'm off to go fold the copious amount of laundry I have. 

Thanks for following!
Loads of love!



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