
Saturday, June 8, 2013

3 Year Blog-aversary!

Hello fashionistas!
I cannot believe that I am sitting here saying that today marks the third year blog anniversary.

Adorable fashion cupcakes via.

Where did the time go?! My best friend, who has been following this blog since day one, and I often like to reminiscence on my very first outfit of the day post (also my first post ever). Looking back I did not really know what I was doing- which is why we always get a good laugh over those first posts. Sometimes I think about purging my old posts, but it is all a part of the journey of getting older. 

The real point of this post is to say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for reading my fashion/beauty/a little bit of everything blog. I know my posting was tres sporadic for a few months, but I promise not to do that again! I feel so lucky to have 'met' (web pals) so many great bloggers who enjoy the same things I do. If it was not for my sweet readers I do not know if I would have continued posting. 

Thanks for taking the time out of your life to read my fashion, beauty, and life blog. You guys are amazing!

If you have not already gotten your fill of me then feel free to check out my Pinterest and or Twitter.

My friend and I went to the local farmer's market and then we went to a yoga class. Currently cleaning up my room and doing a DIY necklace project (one that I found on Pinterest).
I hope you all are having a great weekend!




  1. Yay!! I love seeing blog-aversary's of my favorite bloggers. Congrats!

  2. Happy blog anniversary !!! Love the pic , too


Thanks for commenting fashionistas! I love hearing your thoughts! If you have any questions/requests make sure to ask! I'll get back to you as soon as possible!