
Sunday, August 11, 2013

St. John and the Virgin Islands Vacation Photos 2013

Hello fashionistas!
I've been promising a post with some of my vacation photos from our recent trip to Saint John and the Virgin Islands. It was incredibly beautiful and a complete blast. I hope we go back next summer!
Here are some snapshots from my phone.

This was the ride over from St. Thomas to St. John. 

View from our first night at dinner.

My dad and I goofing around up in the loft. 

The view from our balcony at night. 

View from lunch the next day! Those tan buildings have 4 condos in each and we stayed in one of them. They were so nice. 

My mom and I before a morning beach side yoga class. 

Sunset view from dinner!

Morning coffee and reading on the balcony. 

Went for a run through town and ended it with this beautiful view. The water was crystal clear.

Hanging at the resort with the momma. 

My two fears... Iguanas and birds. 

My mom before we all went out for a fancy dinner. That's the kitchen in the condo. 

Family picture! I love them so much.

This is where we stayed at- I highly recommend! 

Sister selfie! ♥
 My face was looking a little sunburned. 

Now here are a bunch of photos my dad took.

The island has wild donkeys! We stopped to pet them and I fed one some of a pb&j.

Weird island hours.

The mountains made me so carsick, but it truly is beautiful!

Part of the condo's living room. The couches were very comfy.

The view from the loft in the condo.

Old sugar mills.

Our condo. 

The dock where you entered the ocean at our resort.

Resort grounds.

My toes in my flippers! My nail polish is OPI Cajun Shrimp (my dad does not understand why I thought this was a cool picture, boys..)!

This was taken for a good laugh. Snorklin' selfies!

This piece of coral was so cool!

I saw this sting ray not far off from shore! They are really cool creatures. I saw two nurse sharks at the bay by our hotel, but I sadly did not have the underwater camera with me. 

This was my dad taking pictures of my sister and I on the ferry.

This vacation was the best trip my family has taken. I really hope we go back next summer!
Have you guys gone to the Virgin Islands? Or did you go on any vacations this summer?




  1. So many fun pictures, I bet you had a blast there! I really like that bandeau bikini by the way :-) Thanks for sharing these photos with us.

  2. Ah those iguanas! I would be so freaked out to see those in real life, haha. It looks like you all had so much fun and St. John looks beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

  3. St. John looks beautiful! I've never been but now I really want to. I LOVE your swimsuit top and that fabulous maxi dress! You are so vacationing in style!


    1. Aw, thank you! I wanted to look cute, but still be comfortable!


Thanks for commenting fashionistas! I love hearing your thoughts! If you have any questions/requests make sure to ask! I'll get back to you as soon as possible!