
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Blacked Out

Hello fashionistas!
Long time no post.. I have been crazy busy and have not had anytime to sit down much less formulate a decent blog post. I made sure to wear something yesterday that I would want to post for an outfit of the day! 

Sweater: Loft Skirt: Loft Shoes: Target Earrings: Kohl's Bracelets: Forever 21 

I'm sure you all think I am crazy for wearing a skirt sans tights in December, but it was only 63 degrees in sunny Florida. I tucked a black sweater into this sweater skirt. I was drawn to this skirt because of the geometric pattern and the fact that it was done subtly with darker colors. Normally I shy away from bold prints on the bottom, but as soon as I tried this on I had to have it! I paired bejeweled emerald flats with this for a pop of color. I added dark stone encrusted dangling earrings for a little shimmer. 

My aunt bought me Naked 3 for my birthday and today was the first day I was able to use it. I love the rosey hues in the palette. If you don't already have it then I highly suggest you look into procuring one for yourself! I paired the eye makeup with Pink Velvet lipstick by Revlon. I ran a straightener over my hair and spritzed it with hairspray. 

Today is the day that I am having a little party to celebrate the big 1-8! I will do a birthday and birthday party recap post soon. I'm off to go hit the gym, I have not been since Wednesday.. Time to get my run on! 

 I hope you all are doing well!




  1. You are gorgeous Savannah! What a beautiful top/skirt combo and I love the pop of color with the shoes! How festive :) And wow! 63 degrees! I'm a little jealous :)

    xo, gina

    1. Aw, thank you! Yesterday it was in the 70s! The weather here is very bipolar during the "winter" !


Thanks for commenting fashionistas! I love hearing your thoughts! If you have any questions/requests make sure to ask! I'll get back to you as soon as possible!