
Friday, April 11, 2014

Mud Mania 5K Run

Hello fashionistas!
Again I fell off the blogging bandwagon. So much has been going on in my life and I feel like I barely have enough time to get everything that has to be done much less sit down and write posts. I have missed blogging and my readers so much and I really want to get back to posting more regularly than once a month. 

I have a fun post to share with you guys! The other weekend my friend, Victoria, and I ran in this Mud Mania 5K. It was an 18 obstacle course throughout mud all the while still running a 5K. Here are some nice shots that really capture all the climbing, swimming, and running that we did. Out of 421 people we finished at 100 and 101. I was so proud of the two of us because it was much more intense than we had expected. 

This is us sliding down into about 5 feet of mucky water and mud. 

This was us after our dirty run. I'm so proud of the two of us! We now are planning to run a half marathon and we started training this week. We are doing a 20 week plan to prepare and it steadily increases the number of miles that you run each week. I never ever thought I would love running so much. 

Have you guys taken up any surprising hobbies?

 I miss you guys and I promise promise promise to try to post more often! I have only 27 more days until my last day as a high school student! We graduate on May 30th, but we stop having to come to school on the 16th. This is slightly a lie because I have to come back to take all of my college exams until June 11th. Oh well, at least they are spread out.

Loads of love!



1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, good for you!! This looks like it was a blast and probably so rewarding! Congrats on graduating. :)


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